Why do we visit Temples?

Think India and thought that comes to mind are pictures of majestic temples of the land. These temples were not just immensely beautiful architectural wonders. 

They were also places of immense spiritual strength. Scientific analysis has today proven that these temples  were built over areas of maximum positive energy. (Emanates Positive Energy). The 'Moolasthana' or 'Garbhagriha' was built at the spot where energy was maximum. The idol was placed and the 'Garbhagriha' built around it. This point indicated the place of maximum positive energy. Placed below the idols were copper plates with vedic inscription capable of absorbing and radiating energy. When a person visited a temple and walked around the 'parikarama' they came within the radius of this magnetic field thereby imbibing a lot of positive energy. The result was that the visit to the temple rejuvenated his body, mind and soul. (Rejuvenates entire human being).

Many time thoughts comes to me that why we need big temples? Here what i found as a answer to my thought is:

Temple is not a place for religious worship, It offers many valuable services to the society. These service can be summarized in the acronym ' T-E-M-P-L-E'.

T- Tranquility, E- Education, M- Medication, P- Purification, L- Love, E- Engagement.

Tranquility: The temple atmosphere with its soothing vibration of holy chants and the scientific presence of deity serves as a tranquil retreat center. It offers essential refreshing breaks that empower people to face the stresses of life. 

Education: The temple serves as a centre for higher spiritual education, people can learn principles and practices for leading a life moral and spiritual integrity. This education in foundational values enables people with all their other education for socially beneficial purposes. 

Medication: The temple/temples act like a hospital for the mind, we see that many people in the society fall prey to addiction and criminality both of which causes enormous drain in the national economy. Temple provide medication that heels the diseased mentality of such people. 

Purification: Leading to empowerment, The temple when regularly visited purifies the heart of people, making it free from lust, greed, anger, envy this purification inspires talented people, with leadership potential to blossom into pure heart, selfless, principles and turn leaders. Then leaders with character are acutely needed in every organisation from the family to the government. Then why not welcomed a institute which produces high quality leaders.

Love: The temple offers glimpse of the kingdom of god, where we all people come together as one family/ God's family. In a vibrant temple people learn to form relationships on the spiritual platforms. This lead to a very loving gods centered profound experience. Which gives deep satisfactions to the heart. and dramatically improves relationship amongst people. 

Engagement: The temple provides people a various satisfying engagements, that preserve our Indian culture. It also productively channelizes our talents and energies. When our Indian culture is lost at an alarming rate we should protect and revive it.


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