
Importance of plants:

Did you know? There are 4 lac types of plants in the world. Every year we discover about 200 new types of plants. 5-6 species are entirely new types of plant that, nobody knew it before, discovered every single day. All the tree, plants, bushes you see anywhere above the sea contributes only % of total number of plants in the earth. 85% of all life of plants are lying under water.

Did you know? There is a distinct in Australia called the Great Barrier Reef. It is a coral reef which expands over 300 km. It compost of 900 island that spread over a surface area 344400 It is the largest living things in the world.

While knowing about the plants and tree i have come over a tree named "Akshya batt". It is mythical tree in Hinduism and it is considered by a lot people that is the tree of life, beside of these in other religion the tree has many secret stories. Some believe it is the center of the earth, some believe it is creating the life changing events etc.

Image: A group of villager doing parikrama around the tree "Akshya batt". 

Old age parents grandmas and grandpa used to tell stories that once a sage "Markandeya" asked lord "Narayna" to show him a specimen of the divine power. "Narayana" flooded the entire world for a moment, during which only the "akshya batt" could be seen above the water level. It is a banyan tree. 

Fun Facts of Plants: 

We see plants every day, they are presented everywhere and we know that we cannot live without them. Here are some interesting facts about our green friends.
  • 85% of the plant life on earth is found in the ocean.
  • More than 20% of the  word oxygen is produced in the amazon rain forest.
  • Trees are the longest living organisms on earth.
  • The earth has more than 80,000 species of edible plants.
  • Scientist discovered a carnivorous plant in the Philippines that is capable of devouring rats.
  • The smell of freshly cut grass is actually a plants distress cell.
  • 70,000 plant species are utilized for medicinal purposes.
  • It has been observed that plants develop faster when classical music is being played.
Carnivorous plants like the pitches plants and Venus flytrap, devour insects and small animals to meet their nutritional needs.

Plants are the basis upon which all other life depends. in the last analysis they supply us with all the food we eat, they maintain the oxygen content of the air and they are primary source of those important accessory foods, the vitamins. 

without plants we would starve to death, die of suffocation and expire form a combination of deficiency diseases. In addition, plants are the chief means by which the energy of the sun is and has been in ages past caught and stored for us in usable form. Without plants fire would unknown because there would be no wood or coal or petroleum to burn and electricity except as natural phenomenon would be at most limited to areas freely supplied with water power.

The essential relation of plants to the food we eat, the air we breathe and the energy we dissipate with such reckless abandon is based on two of their characteristics. These are their ability to store the energy of the sun's rays in sugar, starch,cellulose, oils, fats and other constituents of the plant body, and their ability to construct from simple and elementary substances types of chemical compounds necessary for the existence of animals, including ourselves.

Doing your part for the environment: When is your best time to plant a tree??

plant a tree in your garden, terrace,veranda, balcony etc. Help them to grow. They will pay you out in terms of fresh oxygen, aroma, food, herbal medicare products etc.

Nothing i have to say here is new; all of it has been known for many years, some of it for a century or more. Yet i believe that the repetition from time to time of facts of fundamental import has its place. Even scientists can on occasion review with profit the broad significance of the material on which they spend their lives. one group of facts of the character i mention concerns the place occupied by plants in the life of man and the economy of nature.

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