How Dubai Became One of The Richest Countries...???

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Up to 20 years of puzzles How Dubai Becomes Global Destination, Global Hub and 3rd most traveled City in the world, How Dubai makes it so powerful.

Nothing was there or near with Dubai, it was only sand and sand dunes. Dubai does not have its own food, neither does it have its own water, nor does it have its own mineral, or its own gold, so from where Dubai got so much of money?

To get started is to start from His highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum. He is the ruler of Dubai, The Prime minister of UAE and a very strong Visionary Leader.

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People think Dubai has money due to oil but fact is that the revenue of  Oil is only 1 percent of Dubai. Dubai's revenue was completely shifted from oil based economy to tourism based economy and financial based economy.

The royal Highness sheikh The leader has a disease, i.e. "Allergy to Average" he doesn't like anything average. Dubai never settles for anything less than first place, either "The Only One or the Number One".

If he build a Mall then it would be "The Dubai mall"- World's Biggest Mall, If he will build a tower it will be "The Burj Khalifa"- World's Largest Tower, If he will build a island they make it  "The Palm Jumeirah"-Man Made Island, Under water Bridge, Under Water tennis etc are the examples of Dubai and His highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum the visionary leader.

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                                                The Burj Khalifa
Whatever they do either the number one or the only one. They didn't stop here they keep on building new heights every day. The only seven star Hotel in the world-Burj Al Arab in which you can not go inside without a shoe.

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Burj Al Arab

Grown the flowers inside the desert Dubai miracle garden-Flowers inside the Desert. World's largest flower garden, world's largest five star hotel J W Marriott, the Gold Souk- World's Biggest Gold Market etc. 

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Dubai Miracle Garden

He didn't stopped here and went to Disney land and asked to build a Disney land in Dubai which should be greater than the Disney land in America. Disney land denied and refused the proposal to do so. His highness asked but he refused again thereafter he flew back and decided to built "The Dubai land" which is 2.5 times bigger than the Disney land with Daily foot-fall of over 2 lac individual.

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The Dubai Land

He is so unimaginable and Trusting to meet the common people which later helps him to create innovation Led Initiatives, he spoke that by the end of 2030, 25% building were going to be build by 3-D based printing technology in Dubai, already 40 floor 3-D printed building milestone achieved in Dubai.

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3-D Based 40-Floor Building in Dubai

Dubai R T A (Road and Transport Authority) already announced that they will create a passenger drone and carry a passenger nearly a weight about 100 Kg and at the speed of 150 kph they will drop and pick and create a huge change in transportation system, Already trial and testing has been performed using the prototype.

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His Royal Highness sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum has a belief that "Ordinary people they save money to party, Extra ordinary people they save money to build Great Empires".

He launched Dubai 10-X project. What is Dubai 10-X...??? He want everything in Dubai is to become 10 times bigger. He is training his government how to make Dubai 10 times bigger, 10 times faster, and 10 times more efficient. He is creating Dubai canal projects. Bigger free wi-fi zones.

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In the canal projects he will create a new way of transportation systems 200 houses, floating restaurants and marina Beaches etc. He understands the ease of communication and created the world's most connected smart city, beside this he is creating Hyper loop to create a faster communication which works in vaccum carry upto 10 thousand people at a time with much faster speed.

As he thinks beyond the extended limits preparing for driver less car by 2025. upto 25% of vehicle will be run without driver. He is integrating the digital technology into real life.

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The excellent is Dubai policing system. It is a system in which he tells policing without police. Dubai is building smart police station in the city, where there will be no need of police all sources and services are open for all. Everything is automatic by which the means of corruption is almost zero. Fully automatic police stations are ready for assisting the citizens, Everything is computerized you can get access to any records, you can do online complaint against anyone, reporting an accident, Lost and found everything is automatic. The main advantages of fully automatic police station is that it has no human intervention, no manpower required / less policeman, no or zero corruption, fully automatic system. The Dubai police is the worlds richest police with every expensive cars with them.

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Some of the Interesting Facts of Dubai:

You cannot use your dirty car inside Dubai, if you do this inside Dubai, a fine of 200 Dir ham will be Deducted from your account, you cannot wash your car from any individuals, Special Automatic car wash/work stations are available to do so.

Under 7 Emirates of UAE, Dubai is found the least conservative society, over 200 nationalities live in Dubai, There are only 10%  of local Shaikh lives in Dubai rest from all over the world.

65% of people in Dubai are from India, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Philippines. They call them for labor work and  they know that to resist the temperature of 50 degree Celsius will only be found in these countries with a little motivation they create the world records with largest skyscraper, buildings, malls, constructions etc. The biggest example is The Burj Khalifa which has 14 numbers of world records such as World's Tallest Building, World's Highest Restaurant, World's Tallest Lift, World's Tallest Fireworks,World's most no.of Floors, Highest Residential Place, Highest Night Clubs etc.

1/4th of the World's J C B Crane are there in Dubai for construction work. They know well how to bring world's talent and global traffic for that they create tax free economy (No Income Tax for Govt.).

They create any difficulties into possibilities, they are not difficulties scanners they are possibilities scanners. They have less land to expand the city for that they create man made island till the date nature has been providing island and these people created man made island, by help of modern engineering and stat-elite communication system they have created palm Jumeirah island in which they built luxury sea front villas and sold them to create revenue for govt. operation.

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The bigger reason to success is commitment to trade. They created ease of Business by creating and providing Special Economic Zones, Free Business Zones, Tax Free Economy.

The World largest Expo is going to be held at Dubai in 2020 which will create a large number of  employment.

Currently Dubai is planning for temperature controlled city in which they will have air conditioning roads, restaurants, malls, houses almost everything.

Talk about anything in the world either it is in Dubai or Dubai is preparing for it...!!!


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