
Showing posts from October, 2019

King with four wives

Once upon a time there was a king with four wives, One day the king got sick and was on his death bed, afraid of being in the after life alone. He asked his fourth wife, whom he loved the most and bought her diamonds, gold and elegant clothing. He asked her would you die with me and go with me to the after life?  The fourth wife replied ; I'm sorry, i can't do that and walked away.  He also loved his third wife and he was very proud and would always show her off to neighboring kingdoms. So he called on this third wife and asked would you accompany me to the after life? The third wife replied ; I love my life too much. I'm sorry i cannot go with you and when you die I'm going to remarry.  His second wife has always been there for him in his times of need so he asked, would you accompany me to the after life? The second wife then replied ; I'm sorry that i can't help you out this time but what i can do is arrange you funeral and i will be there

Something Surprising...

The history of gramophone record. Gramophone was invented by Thomas Alva Edison in the 19th century. Edison, who had invented many other gadgets like electric light and the motion picture camera, had become a legend even in his own time. When he invented the gramophone record, which could record human voice for posterity, he wanted to record human voice, for which he thought to record the voice of an eminent scholar on his first piece. For that he choose Prof. Max Muller of England (A German by ethnicity), another great personality of the 19th century. He wrote to Max Muller saying, "I want to meet you and record your voice. When should i come?" Max Muller who had great respect for Edison asked him to come on a suitable time when most of the scholars of the Europe would be gathering in England. Accordingly, Edison took a ship and went to England. He was introduced to the audience. All cheered Edison's presence. Later at the request of Edison, Max Mu